Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 4, Year : 2021
Article Page : 1-5
Aim: The aim of the research was to see how the COVID-19 pandemic would affect orthodontic postgraduate program.
Materials and Methods: A questionnaire-based cross-sectional study was conducted for first year Orthodontics post graduate students of India and was sent to 531 first year post graduate students, out of which 297 reverted. The questionnaire consisted of basic demographic details of the participants, questions to assess their attitude toward choosing Orthodontics as their subject and if and how do they think that COVID-19 pandemic can affect their post graduation program.
Results: 53.9% students chose orthodontics as their postgraduate subject because there was a lack of clinical elaboration in their undergraduate program. About 54.9% respondents were apprehensive towards joining post-graduation program during COVID-19 pandemic whereas about 73.1% respondents agreed that pursuing post-graduation in COVID-19 era is better than setting up a private practice. About 93.6% respondents agreed that COVID-19 pandemic allowed them to learn from digital platform.
Conclusion: There has been apprehension among newly joined post graduate students regarding COVID-19 pandemic but with the new ways of learning, it is possible to cope up with the apprehension to some extent.
Keywords: COVID-19; Orthodontics; Post graduation; Questionnaire
How to cite : Shrivastava S, Mohanty P, Reddy M R, Sahoo N, Dash S, Gupta P, Attitude and perception of newly joined orthodontic post graduate students towards COVID-19 pandemic- A nation-wide survey. J Contemp Orthod 2021;5(4):1-5
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