Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 2, Year : 2023
Article Page : 125-132
Introduction: The biology of tooth movement implies to selective resorption and deposition of the alveolar bone during orthodontic tooth movement. The controversy about "tooth movement through bone" and "tooth movement with bone” is still not settled. The cortices of the alveolar bone are considered boundaries of the alveolar complex that limit the orthodontic tooth movement. The present study evaluated the change in these limits of maxillary dentoalveolar complex post-retraction and intrusion of maxillary anterior teeth.
Materials and Methods: CBCT data of 15 subjects was assessed to primarily measure the changes in thickness, area and volume of anterior maxillary alveolar bone following retraction & intrusion. As a secondary objective, tooth length was also assessed to ascertain external apical root resorption, post-retraction and intrusion of maxillary anterior teeth.
Results: A statistically significant reduction in alveolar bone thickness, mean area and volume on the palatal side was evident and also reduction in tooth length of maxillary central and lateral incisor was observed post retraction and intrusion of maxillary anterior teeth (P-value<0> Conclusion: It is essential to evaluate the alveolar housing prior to considering retraction and intrusion of anterior teeth in order to plan appropriate biomechanics and treatment protocol which would minimize iatrogenic side effects and yield a stable treatment outcome.
Keywords: Alveolar housing, Retraction & intrusion, Alveolar bone dimensions
How to cite : Andhare P, Datana S, Agarwal S, Chopra S, Roy I, Assessment of changes in maxillary dentoalveolar complex following retraction and intrusion of maxillary anterior teeth in mixed Indian population. J Contemp Orthod 2023;7(2):125-132
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Received : 25-02-2023
Accepted : 11-03-2023
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