Short Communication
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 2, Year : 2023
Article Page : 163-164
Impacted canine traction is a significant challenge for orthodontics. It is a relatively common clinical problem, and managing it almost always calls for a multidisciplinary approach. In addition to the lengthy recovery period and high patient expenditures associated with therapy, surgical exposure of the impacted canine and the intricate orthodontic mechanics used to realign the teeth back into the arch frequently result in problems involving supporting tissues. This present paper proposes a new method for eruption of impacted canine that is W spring.
Keywords: Elastics, Auxillary, Dimensional
How to cite : Singh G, Bansal N, Beniwal G, The W spring 3 dimensional force control for eruption of impacted maxillary canine. J Contemp Orthod 2023;7(2):163-164
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Received : 12-01-2023
Accepted : 04-04-2023
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