Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 1, Year : 2020
Article Page : 5-11
The purpose of this case report is to show that even though a case could seem to be a surgical one but it’s not mandatory to operate it that way, rather shift towards the conservative treatment, as per the requirement of the patient.
A 13 years old female patient who had severe dento-skeletal class II malocclusion with ANB 8?indicative of orthognathic surgery. Since the patient was adamant for not undergoing any surgical procedure, we decided to go for fixed functional therapy after functional decompensation with extraction of all first premolars.
The result of this case is an example that the surgical cases could be treated using camouflage. The dental as well as the skeletal discrepancies were very well addressed and treated to the ideal relation.
Keywords: class II sub division 1, Severe skeletal discrepancy, Deep bite, Fixed functional appliance (FFA), Nonsurgical Treatment and camouflage, Functional decompensation.
How to cite : Sharma H , Goyal M , Kumar M, Kaur A, Kushwah A, Non Surgical Management of Severe Dento-Skeletal Class II Maloclussion - A Case Report. J Contemp Orthod 2020;4(1):5-11
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Received : 20-01-2020
Accepted : 21-02-2020
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