Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : 1, Year : 2018
Article Page : 18-23
Appliance (Forsus Fatigue Resistant Device)
1. Change in mandibular incisors inclination during course of fixed functional treatment
anchored to mini implants.
2. Pretreatment and post-treatment fixed functional airway changes.
Materials and methods: Fifteen Class II malocclusion subjects with mandibular retrusion were selected. Mandibular retrusion was corrected by fixed functional appliance therapy (Forsus Fatigue Resistant Device) and unfavorable labial tipping of mandibular incisors was minimized with usage of mini implants (1.3 × 10 mm Denticon) inserted between mandibular canine and first premolar root area bilaterally. Lateral cephalograms were taken before Forsus placement at mean age of (T1) is 14.25+/-1.65 years of age and after Forsus at T2 is 14.74+/-1.75 years of age. Student Paired t test was used for statistical analysis.
Results: Class I molar relationship and overjet correction achieved in an average period of 5.32+/-1.27 months. Increase in mandibular incisor inclination is minimal i.e. 1.07+/- 0.8 degrees with p value-0.061, also increase in upper pharyngeal airway width by 0.93+/- 1.01 mm with p value-0.05 and highly significant increase in lower pharyngeal airway width by 2.7+/- 1.21 mm with p value <0>
Conclusion: Association of TADs with fixed functional appliance can reduce undesirable proclination of lower incisors and enhance skeletal response. Upper and lower pharyngeal airway dimensions exhibit changes, withlower airway showing highly significant changes.
Keywords: Forsus; Mini-implant; Fixed functional appliance; Class II correction.
How to cite : Sharma T, Prasad Pn, Kumar T, Chaudhary G, Pothuri T, Rawat M, Anchorage Augmentation Technique in Cases of Procumbent Mandibular Incisors Employing Temporary Anchorage Devices with Class II Correctors. J Contemp Orthod 2018;2(1):18-23
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Received : 17\12\2017
Accepted : 01\02\2018
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