Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : 4, Year : 2018
Article Page : 14-16
The participation of a multidisciplinary team to accomplish the appropriate treatment of impacted tooth with odontoma is extremely relevant because of the esthetic and functional ramifications of a missing tooth as well as the psychological well-being of the individual. Odontomas are the most common type of odontogenic tumors and generally they are asymptomatic. Two types of odontomas are described: compound and complex based on either the appearance of well-organized tooth-like structures (compound odontomas) or on a mass of disorganized odontogenic tissues (complex odontomas). Odontomas frequently interfere with eruption of teeth leading to their impaction. This is a case report of a 16- year-old boy with unerupted maxillary left first bicuspid due to a complex composite odontoma .Surgical excision of the odontomas and orthodontic treatment to get the impacted maxillary left first bicuspid into alignment is discussed.
Key words: impacted maxillary left first bicuspid, complex odontoma, orthodontic management.
How to cite : Niyati B, Amol A, Tripathi A, Wankhade S, Lohakpure R, Bajaj T., Orthodontic Management of An Impacted Maxillary First Bicuspid Due To Odontoma. J Contemp Orthod 2018;2(4):14-16
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Received : 05-10-2018
Accepted : 09-11-2018
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