Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 1, Issue : 1, Year : 2017
Article Page : 1-4
Miniscrew implants (MSIs) have appeared to be the boon to orthodontists with wide range of applications in management of complex
malocclusions. However, MSI failures remains the most common problem affecting their successful utilization. Researches are oriented
towards improving the stability and minimizing their failure rate. This article presents the brief review of MSI development, their use in
anchorage management and update on development of protocol and current status of research at AIIMS, New Delhi. This knowledge
will be helpful in exploring possible research approaches in bone and soft tissue adaptation to MSIs and possible modification of current
design of MSI for improving its success rate.
How to cite : Kharbanda O P, Samrit V D, Miniscrew implants: AIIMS protocol and contemporary clinical and research studies. J Contemp Orthod 2017;1(1):1-4
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