Journal of Contemporary Orthodontics

Official Publication of Indian Orthodontic Society

Baxi, Vadher, Tekade, Bhatiya, and Navlani: Rapid maxillary expansion-A review


Treatment for maxillary transverse deficit often entails expanding the size of the upper jaw. Author E.C. Angell's first report appeared in the journal Dental Cosmos.1 It was met with skepticism at first, but has now gained widespread adoption. Expansion of the palate and/or orthodontic tooth movement is often employed to rectify a transverse disparity. Today, maxillary expansion is accomplished in three ways: surgically aided, gradual, and quick. There are advantages and disadvantages to every possible method of therapy. An orthodontist will consider the patient's age and degree of malocclusion when deciding which orthodontic appliances to use during treatment.2, 3 In most cases, the palatal region has finished growing by the age of six, and if appropriate interdigitation has been achieved by puberty, further development may be difficult to accomplish. Transverse pressures during treatment cause buccal segments to be tipped laterally, and third-order moments, when combined with a well-designed appliance, will cause the patient's body to translate. If enough pressure is applied, the maxillary suture will open. Clinical reasons for maxillary expansion include: crossbites, distal molar movement, functional appliance treatment, surgical conditions such arch coordination or bone transplants, and mild crowding.4, 5, 6, 7, 8

The field of dentofacial orthopedics has a special place for rapid maxillary expansion, also known as palatal expansion. Anatomically speaking, this sort of growth occurs when the maxillary shelves are repositioned apart from one another and the mid-palatal suture opens. The maxillary complex, palatal vaults, anterior and posterior maxillary teeth, and associated periodontal tissues are all affected by RME in order to enlarge the maxillary arch. Due to RME, several dental transverse measures shifted dramatically.


Despite the buttressing, the posterior-superior-lateral and posterior-superior-medially tenacious attachments of the circummaxilla are rather weak. When the palatine bone and the maxilla fuse, the whole hard palate (or floor of the nose) is produced, as is a significant piece of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity. To the rear, it connects to the sphenoid bone by the pterygoid process, and to the front, it joins the maxilla via the transverse palatal sutures. As with the intermaxillary suture, the interpalatine suture connects the horizontal plates of the two palatine bones. In humans, these sutures connect the premaxillae to the maxilla and the palatine to the palate. Completely, this is the mid-palatal suture.


Palatine suture is important in R M E

Its shape differs in different stages of growth, like in

  1. Infancy - Y-shape

  2. Juvenile - T-shape

  3. Adolescence - Jigsaw puzzle”

As sutural patency is crucial to R.M.E., knowing when the suture closes through synostosis is significant. By the time a person reaches the age of 25, just around 5% of their sutures will be open. Girls often begin to experience closure around the age of 15 years. More of the back is destroyed than the front. In cases of late, fast maxillary growth, surgical loosening must be carefully planned since ossification occurs extremely late anterior to the incisive foramen.9, 10

Indications for RME

  1. Patients with lateral discrepancies.

  2. The constriction may be skeletal, dental or a combination of both.

  3. Patients having moderate maxillary crowding.

  4. To correct asymmetries of condylar positions.

  5. Anteroposterior discrepancies.

  6. Cleft lip and palate patients with collapsed maxillae.

Contraindications for RME

  1. Uncooperative patients.

  2. Patients who have anterior open bites.

  3. Steep mandibular planes, and convex profiles.

  4. Single tooth in crossbite.

  5. Patients who have skeletal asymmetry of the maxilla or mandible.

  6. Adults with severe anteroposterior and vertical skeletal discrepancies.

Factors to be considered

When deciding between traditional and RME dental arch expansion, it is important to consider the following during treatment planning:

  1. How many teeth are affected by the crossbite,

  2. How big of a discrepancy there is between the widths of the first maxillary and first mandibular molars and premolars; this is something to give some thought to and maybe address in treatment.

  3. Initial molar and premolar angulation: The need to grow the upper arch is increased if the mandibular molars are lingually inclined, whereas buccal movement to upright bucally inclined maxillary molars will cause them to tip deeper into the buccal musculature than would be the case with conventional expansion.11

Diagnostic AIDS

General diagnostic aids include the patient's medical history, a physical exam, study models, and radiographs (such a maxillary occlusal or a panoramic anteroposterior cephalogram).

  1. Histologically, a radiographically undetectable suture is not the same as a fused one.

  2. Histologically, a midpalatal suture lines up with an oronasal suture that runs mostly straight and projects most noticeably into the sagittal X-ray plane.

  3. Histologically, a radiologically undetectable suture might seem as a significant region of interdigitation, a suture course that runs at an angle to the X-ray beam, or protruding bone structures. Similarly low is the predicted rate of suture obliteration in this population.

Effect of RME on Maxillomandibular Complex

Effect of RME on soft tissue

Research on the effects of RME on soft tissues suggests that the anterior tip of the nose will migrate and that other soft tissues will alter. Point A. Nihat Kilic et al. conclude that RME improves profile convexity and lessens H angle and soft tissue facial angle based on their study. Additional findings included statistically significant impacts from profile convexity and the H angle.

Maxillary anterior teeth

A diastema (space) between the patient's maxillary central incisors is one of the most apparent changes linked with RME. Incisor separation is roughly proportional to the amount by which the expansion screw has been opened, although this should not be taken as a sign of the degree of suture separation. Because transeptal fibers are present, the diastema may heal on its own.

Maxillary posterior teeth

Both the maxillary and buccal molars will point forward, and the maxillary molars will extrude, although the posterior maxilla will develop more slowly due to the resistance provided by the zygomatic buttress and the pterygoid plates.

Maxillary halves

There is a regular forward and downward movement of the maxilla.

Palatal vault

Since the maxillary bone was angled outward, the palatine process of the jaw was depressed.

Maxillary skeletal effect

Occlusally, the aperture of the midpalate suture is observed to be nonparallel and trapezoidal, being widest in the incisor area and narrowing toward the posterior of the palate. The maxillary suture diverges from the midline in a way that is not parallel to the frontal plane. A typical form for this bone is a pyramid, with the bottom of the pyramid resting on the oral side of the jaw.

Effects of RME on nasal volume changes

Since it has been hypothesized that RME improves nasal breadth and volume, the use of maxillary expansion to treat nasal blockage has also become commonplace.

Alveolar process

Early on in RME, the alveolar processes become curved laterally; however, they will straighten out again in a few days.

Effect of RME on mandible

Concomitant with maxillary enlargement is a tendency for the jaw to descend and move


RME and nasal airflow

Immediately after expanding one's nostrils, the airflow is enhanced since the nasal cavity has become more spacious. Keep in mind that the sphenoid and zygomatic bones, in particular, may provide more of a challenge than the midpalatal suture itself when it comes to opening the suture.

Effects of the RME on adjacent facial structures

Except for the sphenoid, all the other craniofacial bones that attach to the maxilla had to be shifted. There is no way to fix such crookedness at the base of the skull. Displacement of the maxilla is not symmetrical.

Appliances for RME

They may be banded or bonded appliances.

The banded appliances are attached to teeth with bands on the maxillary first molar and first premolars. They are hygienic as there is no palatal coverage.

They are of two types

  1. Tooth and tissue borne.

  2. Tooth borne.

Tooth borne RME

They consist of only bands and wires without any acrylic covering.

Hyrax expander

In 1968, William Biederman first used it. A HYRAX screw, designed especially for this device, is used (means Hygienic Rapid Expander). When it comes down to it, this Expander is just a jackscrew made entirely out of wire, without a spring. The bands on the premolars and molars will be soldered to the screw extensions, which are strong gauge wire that may be shaped to fit the patient's palatal anatomy. The palatal mucosa is spared from irritation, and its cleanliness is a major plus. In a little amount of time, it may provide a sutural separation of 11 mm, and a maximum of roughly 13 mm is possible. In most cases, the screw is actuated from front to rear, and its 0.2 mm of lateral expansion is specified for each turn.

Issacson expander

No palatal cover will be used on this appliance. The initial premolar and molar bands may be soldered directly to the expander screws (named Minne expander after its inventors at the University of Minnesota's dentistry school). An example of a Minne expander, this sort of coil spring is compressed by rotating a nut. The abutment teeth have two metal flanges soldered to them, one of which is perpendicular to the coil.

Tooth and tissue borne RME

These types of appliances consist of an expansion screw with acrylic abutting on alveolar ridges. Following are the advantages of tooth and tissue RME:

  1. More favorable relationship of the denture bases in width.

  2. Creates more mobility of the maxilla instead of teeth.

  3. More parallel expansion.

  4. Less chance of relapse.

  5. Greater apical base gain and nasal cavity.

Disadvantages include tendency to have higher soft tissue irritation.

Types of Tooth and Tissue Borne RME


The fast expansion treatment is predicated on causing an instantaneous separation of the midpalate suture by disrupting the sutural connective tissue. According to Haas, a quick palatal expander is a stiff device that employs a jackscrew to cause expansion in as little as ten to fourteen days. In his opinion, this would have the greatest possible orthopaedic benefit, and the device has been reported to generate forces of 3–10 pounds.


Bands are placed on the primary molars and premolars. Following the insertion of the screw into the split palatal acrylic, wire tags are soldered to the bands.

Bonded rapid palatal expander

In 1973, Cohen and Silverman were the first to describe the Bonded RPE. Except for the way it is attached to the teeth, this variant is quite identical to the banded one. An acrylic cap is placed over the back teeth and glued directly to the tooth structure to create this device. The bonded appliance's rising popularity may be attributed to its many benefits, including the following:

  1. Even though retention from other appliances may be poor during the mixed dentition period, this option may be simply fastened.

  2. There will be fewer scheduled appointments.

  3. Reductions in the slanting and protrusion of the back teeth have been seen. Buccal capping prevents molar extrusion during treatment, which is especially helpful for cases in Class II as this would otherwise encourage autorotation of the mandible, which would enhance facial convexity and the vertical dimension of the lower face.

  4. The bite block effect it gives helps with anterior crossbite repair (McNamara).

IPC rapid palatal expander

The incisors are aligned labially and may grow orthogonally with the help of IPC. When expansion takes place, the IPC controls the amount of force applied by the NiTi open coil spring to the tongue side of the front teeth. It is possible to minimize or lessen the severity of the normal midline diastema generated by RPE treatment by wrapping wire around the points of the lateral incisors.

Jackscrew turn schedules

Turn schedules recommended by Ring and Isaacson for patients with RME include the following: “(1) young, developing patients and - two turns per day for the initial 4 to 5 days, and then one turn per day for the rest of RME treatment; (2) mature, nongrowing patients - due to increased skeletal resistance, two turns per day for the initial two days, and then one turn per day for the accompanying five to seven days, and then one turn per day for the rest of RME treatment.

Clinical advice for RME patient

  1. Because the first premolars and first molars serve as abutment teeth for anchoring the device, extractions linked to them are often postponed until palatal expansion is complete. Second deciduous molars with healthy root systems may replace missing premolars.

  2. When planning for RME, it is best to hold off on orthodontic treatment that might shift the posterior maxillary teeth.

  3. Screws should be placed as high in the palatal vault as feasible for both mechanical and patient comfort reasons.

  4. Between 15 and 30 minutes have passed before the appliance may be turned on.

  5. If you do not want the key to the turn knob eaten, secure it with a thread or dental floss. Soldering the key's handle will prevent the floss from slipping out of it.

  6. Schedule follow-up appointments on a regular basis. How far the expansion screw has been twisted may be determined by measuring the gap between the screw's two parts. In case this measurement does not match up with the patient's turn schedule, make sure to discuss it with them.

  7. Maxillary occlusal radiographs should be taken on a weekly basis as a form of monitoring.

  8. For the first three to six months after the appliance is expanded, it should be worn as a fixed retainer while the tissues rearrange themselves in their new places and the growing appliance's stresses diminish. Longer &d retention times occur with larger expansion amplitudes.

  9. A transpalatal arch is required once the device is taken out of the mouth.

  10. There is often an overexpansion of the maxillary posterior regions towards the end of the extension phase and throughout the fixing phase. When planning an orthodontic treatment, keep in mind that the maxillary curve wire will need to be extended. It is important to avoid applying buccal crown force to the mandibular molars and lingual crown force to the maxillary molars in order to prevent the crossbite problem from returning.

  11. Patients with a stifled sense of taste should (a) expand the sense of taste in two stages, (b) start extension quickly, “(c) use an expander that will boost skeletal developments, (d) consider tooth extraction in one or both jaws to work with dental curve narrowing, (e) overexpand the maxillary curve, and (f) use fixed maintenance for a longer period of time. Some potential solutions for dealing with patients with small palates include using an expanding screw, a tradable screw, or two machines with logically larger screws.

  12. Rapid effects of machine evacuation include drowsiness and a heavy strain feeling over the bridge of the nose, the undereyes, and the rest of the face. Death has been reported in these regions, as well as between the central incisors.” When the device was removed from the mouth after 19 hours, some of the adverse effects still persisted. A transpalatal backslide of just 1.5 mm was seen at that time. Similar signs and symptoms occur if the appliance is taken out of service for maintenance or repair during the growth period or if the force is suddenly disengaged. The patient should be safely situated in a dental chair before any appliance manipulation is performed. After the appliance has been removed, the patient should not be forced to get up.


Rapid maxillary expansion is a common treatment for clinicians to use when addressing absolute or relative maxillary-mandibular buccolingual abnormalities. Indications and potential risks of the surgery were discussed here. We spoke about how enlargement modifies the shape of the maxilla and mandible, and how it affects the clinical care of individuals who might gain from this treatment. An activation timetable is proposed at various ages, and instructions for determining the necessary quantity of maxillary molar growth are provided.

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Received : 02-06-2022

Accepted : 02-08-2022

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